
The Federation ensures that all the tribal children should have basic education, mainstream the unschooled and dropout children into regular schools. It also conducts a computer center for the tribal children. During this Corona pandemic the federation supported the “Home Schooling”, supplementary education centers in tribal hamlets

Educating and empowering the tribal farmers, youth and women through various trainings, is yet another focus area of the federation. It motivates and organizes the remote tribes to participate in various trainings in Agriculture, Horticulture health and women development.

Forest Rights Act (FRA)

The Adi Federation is actively engaged in crucial work related to the Forest Rights Act (FRA), focusing on seven villages. A noteworthy achievement of their efforts is the successful acquisition of land titles, known as "patta," for a total of 210 beneficiaries within these communities. This accomplishment underscores the Federation's commitment to securing and recognizing the forest rights of local residents, contributing significantly to the empowerment and well-being of these individuals.

Koomay Initiative

Named after the Irula word for "Owl," Koomay represents an initiative that brings movies to the remote villages in the region, fostering conversations and dialogues, particularly among the youth, through film screenings. Going beyond entertainment, we aspire to expand the scope of this initiative to transmit indigenous knowledge, encompassing aspects such as culture, farming methods, food habits, and traditional healing practices, to the younger generation.

Our upcoming plans involve documenting the wisdom of the elders from these villages who hold invaluable insights into the rich indigenous knowledge traditions of the region.


In the area of health, the Federation from its inception has been involved in child health, menstrual hygiene of adolescent girls, Anti natal and post-natal care, Care for elderly tribes and conducted health camps for eye care, infertility and general health.

In addition, the federation also conducts frequent camps for addressing sickle cell anaemia and also eye check up camps.


The Federation motivates the rural tribes in growing medicinal plants and kitchen gardens.

Based on the objectives, the Federation extended its activities for charitable purposes such as promotion of education, health, environment, culture and livelihood among the remote tribes. . It also arranges for non-conventional energies such as solar motors, solar street lights and lanterns for remote tribes


ADI federation plays a vital role in supplementing the livelihood development activities such as farming, animal husbandry, other livelihood entrepreneurship activities processing marketing of agricultural produces.

Federation also works for availing various government welfare schemes to the Tribes. It also represents the grievance and issues of the tribes with local panchayats and district heads.

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